Forum TV Canada had the great honour of talking with Oleksandra Matviichuk, the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winner, during a joint action of Ottawa volunteers… Steve Ostafichuk, co-founder of a small Canadian non-profit organization @DETY.Project discusses how they assist Ukrainian children who have become victims of Russian war crimes…
4 червня у Міжнародний день безневинних дітей - жертв агресії, ми нагадуємо про тисячі українських дітей, які загинули або страждають внаслідок військової агресії росії. Наразі,…
On June 4, the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression, we remember the thousands of innocent Ukrainian children who have been killed or…
Nationwide memorial action honouring the Mariupol drama theatre tragedy in Ukraine On March 16th of 2023, a significant memorial action dedicated to the tragedy of…
With the loud horns of thousands of Canadian travellers along Highway 401, the Oshawa community stands in solidarity with Children of Ukraine. March 17, 2024
WARSAW, March 19 (Reuters) - A teenage orphan who became a posterchild for Moscow's deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia said he was instructed by…